
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Tania; Hebert Jiménez” ,找到相关结果约34437条。
Tabaco de liar: una prioridad de salud pública y consumo
Casta?o Calduch,Tania; Hebert Jiménez,Céline; San Segundo,M.a Teresa Campo; Ysa Valle,Miguel; Carlos-Roca,Agustín Pons;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.09.010
Abstract: objectives: to study whether fine-cut tobacco poses a problem for public health and consumer affairs. methods: we analyzed up to 70% of the fine-cut tobacco market in spain. regarding public health, the contents of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide were analyzed and compared with levels in conventional cigarettes. concerning consumer affairs, the labeling of samples was checked. results: the contents of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide reached values of 70%, 85% and 84%, respectively. these values are higher than those allowed in conventional cigarettes. a total of 67% of the samples analyzed did not show nicotine and tar contents on the labeling. none of the labels showed carbon monoxide contents. the presence of labeling per se did not guarantee sufficient information for consumers. conclusions fine-cut tobacco is a problem in both public health and consumer affairs. solutions are required to resolve both problems.
Aprobado en lengua, matemáticas... y TV Pass in language, maths... and TV
Tania Jiménez Palacio,María José Revuelta Bayod
Comunicar , 2008, DOI: doi:10.3916/c31-2008-01-020
Abstract: En el sistema educativo se ha abierto un debate acerca de la importancia de alfabetizar en otros sentidos que sobrepasan la tradición académica y que se adentran en el análisis de relaciones sociales contextualizadas, como puede ser la relación medios de comunicación-sociedad. Las autoras defienden que es importante que los ciudadanos accedan a una alfabetización audiovisual que les permita contar con recursos para entender el funcionamiento de los medios informativos y culturales como fabricantes de sue os, conocer sus intereses como empresas y poderes fácticos que son, captar sus estrategias de manipulación y persuasión, y comprender cómo nosotros, receptores, podemos utilizarlos. A new debate has arrived to the Education System. It deals with the need of an alternative teaching, an education that exceeds the academic traditions and studies the social relations, such as the relationship between media and society. Citizens must access an audiovisual teaching, because it is important to unders-tand how television, radio stations, newspapers, etc., work when they inform us, show us the culture or even build our dreams. People must know about the media’s economic and political interests, and also how the audience could make use of communication mass media.
Modeling Slotted Aloha as a Stochastic Game with Random Discrete Power Selection Algorithms
Rachid El-Azouzi,Essaid Sabir,Tania Jiménez,El-Houssine Bouyakhf
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications , 2009, DOI: 10.1155/2009/572650
Abstract: We consider the uplink case of a cellular system where ?? bufferless mobiles transmit over a common channel to a base station, using the slotted aloha medium access protocol. We study the performance of this system under several power differentiation schemes. Indeed, we consider a random set of selectable transmission powers and further study the impact of priorities given either to new arrival packets or to the backlogged ones. Later, we address a general capture model where a mobile transmits successfully a packet if its instantaneous SINR (signal to interferences plus noise ratio) is lager than some fixed threshold. Under this capture model, we analyze both the cooperative team in which a common goal is jointly optimized as well as the noncooperative game problem where mobiles reach to optimize their own objectives. Furthermore, we derive the throughput and the expected delay and use them as the objectives to optimize and provide a stability analysis as alternative study. Exhaustive performance evaluations were carried out, we show that schemes with power differentiation improve significantly the individual as well as global performances, and could eliminate in some cases the bi-stable nature of slotted aloha. 1. Introduction Aloha [1] and slotted aloha [2] have long been used as randomly distributed medium access protocols for radio channels. They are used in satellite networks and cellular telephone networks for the sporadic transfer of data packets. In these protocols, packets are transmitted sporadically by various users. If packets are sent simultaneously by more than one user, then they collide. After a packet is transmitted, the transmitter receives the information on whether there has been a collision (and retransmission is needed) or whether it has been well received. All colliding packets are assumed to be corrupted which get backlogged and are retransmitted after some random time. We focus on the slotted aloha [3], in which time is divided into units. At each time unit a packet may be transmitted, and at the end of the time interval, the sources get the feedback on whether there was zero, one, or more transmissions (collision) during the time slot. A packet that arrives at a source is immediately transmitted. Packets that are involved in a collision are backlogged and are scheduled for retransmission after a random time. Interest has been growing in recent years in studying competition of networking in general and access to a common medium in particular, within the frame of noncooperative game theory; see, for example, the survey paper
Lesiones incipientes de caries dental y su relación con la higiene bucal en ni os venezolanos Incipient lesions of dental caries and its relation to oral hygiene in Venezuelan children
Alina Roche Martínez,Nayda Nasco Hidalgo,Estela de los A. Gispert Abreu,Tania Jiménez Echemendia
Revista Cubana de Estomatolog?-a , 2009,
Abstract: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal con la finalidad de identificar la prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental (LIC) y su relación con la higiene bucal en ni os de 5-11 a os del área de Salud Integral Comunitaria (ASIC) Macandona, Municipio Maracaibo del Estado de Zulia en Venezuela, en el periodo de enero a diciembre de 2006. El universo fue de 220 ni os, de entre ellos se seleccionaron 120 que asistieron a la consulta en el periodo establecido y cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Las LIC se detectaron por el método clínico visual-táctil sin presión, el nivel de higiene bucal por índice de higiene bucal revisado y el antecedente de cepillado con flúor se obtuvo al interrogar a los padres. La medida resumen de datos fue el porcentaje y se empleó la prueba de diferencia de proporciones. El 33,3 % de los ni os presentó dos LIC, de ellos el 60,7 % correspondió al sexo femenino; el 42,9 % de los ni os con 2 LIC mostró higiene bucal inadecuada y los que utilizaron dentífricos fluorados diariamente estaban menos afectados. Ello permite concluir que más de la mitad de los ni os presentaron LIC, y que las lesiones incipientes fueron más frecuentes en el sexo femenino, en los ni os con deficiente higiene bucal, y en los que no utilizaban dentífricos fluorados diariamente. A cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was conducted to identify the prevalence of dental caries incipient lesions (CIL) and its relation to oral hygiene in children aged 5-11 of Community Integral Health Area (CIHA) in Macandona municipality, Zulia State, Venezuela from January to December, 2006. Sample included 220 children selecting 120 seen in consultation during the established period and fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The CILs were detected by visual/tactile clinical method without pressure, the oral hygiene level by revised oral hygiene rate and the background of fluorine brushing was achieved by asking parents. The abstract measure of data was the percentage and we used the ratio difference test. The 33.3 % of children had two CILs, from then the 60.7 % was a female sex; the 42.9 % of children with two CILs showed a inappropriate oral hygiene and those used daily fluorine toothpaste were less involved. It allows us to conclude that the half of children had CIL, and that the incipient lesions were more frequent in female sex, in children with a poor oral hygiene, and in those no used fluorine toothpaste daily.
Characteristics and modifications of the sexuality during pregnacy
Sofía Pi?ero Navero,Granada Alarcos Merino,María Tania Arenas Orta,Virginia Jiménez Iglesias
NURE Investigación , 2011,
Abstract: Objectives: To describe the changes that take place (are produced) in the sexuality of the woman during the pregnancy. To study aspects related to the sexual education.Material and method: The study consisted of a descriptive transverse analysis, obtaining the information across a questionnaire with 32 articles, elaborated from a study of others realized previously, after a bibliographical review for such a purpose. Our study was realized to a whole of 103 participants. The sample divided in three quarters of pregnancy. There were gathered information of filiation, studies, socioeconomic and cultural level of the couple, age, duration of the living together, problems and sexual habits and sexual received education.Outcomes: The sexual interest remains constant during the first and second quarter, diminishing in the third one. In general, the sexual relations suffer a decrease along the pregnancy (embarrassment), being more marked in the third quarter, though practically they all are satisfied and consent to his (her, your) sexual life, without forgetting that a part of the polled ones increases his (her, your) interest and improves his (her, your) sexual life.Conclusions: We must affect in the importance of a major sexual education during this period for sanitary qualified personnel.Other studies demonstrate that a better educational level and the fact of having a stable couple diminish the sexual dysfunctions.We must insist on the option not coital for the intimate expression and the enrichment of the couple.
Organic Wastes to Increase CO2 Absorption  [PDF]
Manuel Jiménez Aguilar
International Journal of Clean Coal and Energy (IJCCE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ijcce.2014.34005
Abstract: The objective of the study was actually the investigation of the effect of various organic wastes on the ability of urine in absorbing CO2. Urine alone or mixed with olive-oil-mill waste waters (O), poultry litter (P) or meat bone meal (M) was used on the absorption of CO2 from a gas bottle. The absorption capacity (1.35 - 2.85 gCO2/gNH4) was bigger than other solvents such as ammonia and amines. The range of CO2 absorption was significantly bigger for the organic mixtures P and PM with urine (9.1 - 11.8) g/L than urine alone 6.5 g/L. These organic wastes could be used to increase CO2 absorption in urine and reduce gas emissions.
Algorithms of the Femtoscope: KeV X-Rays Cure Cancer While MeV X-Rays Only Burn the Cells  [PDF]
Edward Jiménez Calderon
American Journal of Computational Mathematics (AJCM) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ajcm.2018.84023
Abstract: The study of cancer with the Femtoscope shows us that the information of the cell nucleus is correlated with the atomic nucleus. Femtoscope and entropy algorithms monitor the time and energy of x-rays that transform cancer cells into healthy cells and vice versa. Curing cancer means recovering the information lost from a cancer cell, leading to a minimum entropy. The efficient treatment of cancer presents resonance frequencies in the production and elimination of cancerous cells, asymmetrically. The cure asymmetry of cancer is due to the support of DNA repair genes, allowing the stability of a race or species, and prioritizing life to death. Using the Femtoscope and Spectroscopy, we experimentally validate the resonance frequencies, which effectively cure the cancer and find the optimal times and doses of treatment. In this way, we minimize collateral effects and unnecessary economic costs. In addition, the phosphorus resonance demonstrates why the low energies of x-rays cure cancer and high x-ray energies only burn cancer cells.
Lesiones incipientes de caries dental y su relación con la higiene bucal en ni?os venezolanos
Roche Martínez,Alina; Nasco Hidalgo,Nayda; Gispert Abreu,Estela de los A.; Jiménez Echemendia,Tania; Ventura Hernández,Maria Isabel;
Revista Cubana de Estomatolog?-a , 2009,
Abstract: a cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was conducted to identify the prevalence of dental caries incipient lesions (cil) and its relation to oral hygiene in children aged 5-11 of community integral health area (ciha) in macandona municipality, zulia state, venezuela from january to december, 2006. sample included 220 children selecting 120 seen in consultation during the established period and fulfilling the inclusion criteria. the cils were detected by visual/tactile clinical method without pressure, the oral hygiene level by revised oral hygiene rate and the background of fluorine brushing was achieved by asking parents. the abstract measure of data was the percentage and we used the ratio difference test. the 33.3 % of children had two cils, from then the 60.7 % was a female sex; the 42.9 % of children with two cils showed a inappropriate oral hygiene and those used daily fluorine toothpaste were less involved. it allows us to conclude that the half of children had cil, and that the incipient lesions were more frequent in female sex, in children with a poor oral hygiene, and in those no used fluorine toothpaste daily.
Neumonía por Rhodococcus equi: hallazgos clínico-radiológicos en ocho pacientes con sida Pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi: clinical and radiological findings in 8 AIDS patients
Tania de la Paz Bermúdez,Daniel Portela Ramírez,Narciso A. Jiménez Pérez,Ma. del Carmen Dorvigny Scull
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical , 2010,
Abstract: INTRODUCIóN: el Rhodococcus equi, es una bacteria que pertenece al orden de los Actinomicetales. Su presentación en el hombre es poco frecuente. Es con la epidemia del VIH/sida que se han ido incrementando los casos. En los humanos el órgano principal de esta infección es el pulmón, provoca una neumonía que se caracteriza por una evolución clínica y radiológica lenta. OBJETIVO: describir las alteraciones radiográficas iniciales causadas por la infección por R. equi en 8 pacientes con sida, su evolución radiológica y la presentación clínica e inmunológica. MéTODOS: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo de las imágenes radiológicas pulmonares observadas en el período entre agosto de 1994 y enero de 2008 en pacientes con síndrome de inmunodeficiencia humana adquirida (sida) e infección respiratoria causada por Rhodococcus equi. RESULTADOS: el cuadro clínico se caracterizó por la fiebre elevada hasta 39 °C, tos con expectoración y disnea. La presentación radiológica más frecuente fue la opacidad homogénea en 62,5 % de los casos, predominó la afectación pulmonar en los lóbulos inferiores. La evolución radiológica se caracterizó por la opacidad con cavitación en su interior en 4 casos, fibrosis en 4 casos y 1 tuvo resolución total de las lesiones. El conteo de linfocitos T CD4 + estuvo disminuido en los 8 pacientes. La evolución de los pacientes osciló entre los 2 y 33 meses. CONCLUSIONES: el diagnóstico de neumonía por R. equi debe ser considerado, en aquellos pacientes portadores de VIH/sida con estado inmunológico comprometido y proceso respiratorio con manifestación radiológica de consolidación pulmonar con evolución hacia la cavitación, con evolución clínica y radiológica tórpida y prolongada. INTRODUCTION: the Rhodococcus equi is one bacterium of the order Actinomycetales. It rarely appears in humans, but the HIV/AIDS epidemic has increased the number of cases and the main affected organ is the lung. It causes pneumonia characterized by a slow clinical and radiological progression. OBJECTIVE: to describe the initial radiological alterations from R. equi infection in 8 AIDS patients, the radiological evolution and the clinical and immunological presentation. METHODS: a retrospective descriptive study of radiological pulmonary images from AIDS patients with respiratory infection due to Rhodococcus equi was conducted. RESULTS: these patients presented with high fever (39oC), cough with expectoration and shortness of breath. Homogeneous opacity was the most frequent radiological presentation (62,5% of cases), located predominantly in the lower lob
Reporte de campo y aislamiento de Streptococcus spp beta hemolítico en aves de línea ligera en el centro de Cuba
Castellanos-Suárez, Omar I.,Jiménez-Díaz, Tania,Milián-Eliazábal, Milagros,Casanovas-Cosío, Enrique
REDVET , 2009,
Abstract: ResumenEn una granja avícola del centro de Cuba en aves ligeras en la semana32-33 de vida productiva se observaron síntomas clínicos y lesionesmacroscópicas de una patología en cavidades que permitió la sospecha de un agente bacteriano. Posteriormente se aisló por primera vez en el Laboratorio Provincial de Diagnóstico de Medicina Veterinaria deCienfuegos la presencia del Streptococcus spp beta hemolítico en ovarios y vías respiratorias altas.SummaryIn a poultry farm of central Cuba in light birds during of 32-33 weekproductive life macroscopic lesions and clinical symptoms were observed in cavities a pathology, that allowed thesuspicion of a bacterial agent. Subsequently was isolated for the first time in the Laboratory of Diagnosis of Provincial Veterinary Medicine′ Cienfuegos the presence of Streptococcus spp beta hemolytic in ovaries and upper respiratory tract.

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